Deona Fish

Deona Fish

Deona’s Sleepy Little Dreams
Asheville, NC

Deona Fish’s “Sleepy Little Dreams” are paintings that open a doorway into a nostalgic world where whim and simplicity guide you into feelings and memories still lingering from childhood. Her paintings illustrate stories of wonder, dreams and love. Images offered as originals, prints and wood reproductions.

​The Sleepy Little Dreams collection began in 2008 , the year her son Che was born. As he grows so does the collection.   From traveling from art show to art show and selling works in The Woolworth  Walk gallery in Asheville , NC  Deona has spread her dreams  to thousands of folk art collectors and home decorators.  Many have chosen to create a nursery around her color and designs  but also makes a perfect fit for the whimsical home.